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A Legacy of Life and Love Workbook

$ 9.95

You'll receive via email a copy of A Legacy of Love & Life workbook (docx file), to start capturing the important events in your life. Just type your stories and memories into the document using your computer. You'll find it easy to add to or delete as needed.

The workbook is divided into chronological order:

• Childhood Memories

• Adolescent  Memories

• Young Adulthood

• Middle-age Memories

 • Senior Moments

You'll also find sections on Family History and Historical Events. In each section you'll find questions and Memory Words to help get your creative juices flowing. In the Appendix we've provided lots of group activities so you can join with family members, friends or even members of your religious or social group to share memories. You'll also find tips for helping your stories and memories come alive for the readers, including:

• Writing with Emotion

• Writing a Picture

• No Fear Writing

Once you get started, you'll see that you're creating a gift that will be enjoyed for years to come. Enjoy the process and be assured that the end results will well be worth the effort.